Taming Open Data – the process behind Top Areas12 Sep 2016News, ProductOur exciting announcement of the new Top Areas product is just one milestone in our long and ongoing process of Open Data analysis. When…Read More
Introducing Top Areas – Explore a New City Like a Local26 Aug 2016News, ProductTravelers seek an authentic and unique experience when visiting a new city. They may envision themselves knowing their way around the city – roaming…Read More
The problem with Open Data22 Aug 2016News, ProductEarlier this year we were honored to be selected for a grant from ODINE, which allowed us to continue our work on a project…Read More
TopPlace takes the headache out of hotel booking4 Aug 2016News, ProductThe location of a traveler’s hotel can make or break their vacation experience. No one wants to arrive at their hotel, excited to explore…Read More
Announcing TopPlace™ free tier and new pricing1 Aug 2016NewsOver the past months we’ve received a lot of interest in our products, ranging from leading travel industry players to new innovative startups trying…Read More
AVUXI’s TopPlace vs Google Maps28 Jul 2016News, ProductWe often get asked the question: “Who are your main competitors?”. We used to say that we did not have any direct competitors. Yes, you…Read More
Announcing the new TopPlace™ API19 Jul 2016News, ProductAfter receiving many inquiries we’ve decided to make our new TopPlace™ API available to select clients and partners. In essence the API provides the…Read More
AVUXI Locates A Way For OTAs And Metas To Lift Conversions7 Jul 2016News, Press“In an online travel context, maps are part of the decision-making process. Business travellers need to know how to get from their hotel to…Read More
Location – The Blind Spot of Online Booking27 May 2016NewsThe online accommodation industry is estimated to be worth hundreds of billions of dollars. With an average conversion rate of 3% (and even lower for less known…Read More
AVUXI rates the popularity of every place in the world18 May 2016News, Press“Their products help travelers and businesses to make quick decisions when it comes to choosing somewhere to visit. What does AVUXI do? AVUXI has…Read More