Welcome Fineway!

We are excited to welcome Fineway.de to the growing TopPlace™ family! Now it is even easier to plan trips!

Accurate and unbiased location context on Fineway is now supported by TopPlace™ Location Score Elements.

Who is Fineway?

Fineway is a German startup that believes the future of travel is not search & compare, but a delightful conversation. A conversation that delivers trips that match your unique style & intents. To power this conversation, they built an Artificial Intelligence process that utilizes advanced statistics & deep learning methods. This AI matches your travel preferences faster than anyone else.

The purpose? To magically deliver perfectly tailored travel experiences in just a few minutes.

Powering informed decisions

TopPlace™ is working behind the scenes at Fineway. The TopPlace™ GeoPopularity rating of locations and points of interest worldwide, forms part of the input information for the Artificial Intelligence engine.

If you like what you see, feel free to sign up or reach out and we will be happy to help.

We look forward to having more travel companies joining TopPlace™ and enojying all the benefits of our cooperation.

Welcome Fineway!
